As my client you benefit from the quality of my services and the value added. All my rates are in line with the Swiss market. By agreeing to them, you contribute towards the quality assurance in the translation and text production industry.
Rate for proofreading (D, E, F)
Based on:
1650 characters, including spaces (=30 standard lines, 1 A4 page)
CHF 13.50
Please contact me for a quote.
Rate for editing (D, E)
Basis of calculation: CHF 160/hour.
Larger documents and files (Theses, Master's thesis, bachelor thesis, undergraduate dissertations, books, plays, brochures etc.) are subject to rate reductions.
I will be happy to give you a quote for your project.
Content writing
Rates for copywriting, content writing, ghostwriting, storytelling
(D, E)
Text production is complex as it involves a wide array of tasks and text formats. Reliable quotes depend on a thorough briefing about what it is I can do for you. Flat rates can be negotiated for larger projects. Please contact me for more information.
Terms of payment: invoices are dispatched electronically upon delivery of the assignment, with the amount payable within 10 days of reception of the email invoice.